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2018 Summer Field Course in Alaska! FISH 497A

FISH 497A Special Topics: Ecological Research in Alaska
B Term, July 15 – August 15 (will overlap with A Term but students with interest should attend info session and ask about start date flex)
5 credits
  • Live and work in an active field research station
  • Conduct hands-on research in pristine, thriving, coastal Alaska watersheds
  • Work with renowned faculty Ray Hilborn, Tom Quinn, and Daniel Schindler

INFO SESSION: Tuesday February 13, 4:30pm in FSH 213

Questions? Contact Chris Boatright, cboat@uw.eduFISH497A AK SALMON_SUM2018

Exciting Sustainability Opportunity- Conscious College Road Tour

1.1.18 ccrt-2018-flyer

My name is Cami, and I am a college student serving as the Student Advisory Board Vice President this year for the organization Turning Green. I’m excited to introduce you to an amazing program we offer: the Conscious College Road Tour. We would like to forward this along to students as well as read about it yourself. Learn more below.

Turning Green is accepting applications for the 7th Annual Conscious College Road Tour, taking place March 19 – May 4, 2018. The Tour will make stops at 16 college campuses across the country. We would love to include University of Washington as one of our stops this year.

The CCRT works to inform students on a variety of sustainability themes, empower them to create tangible change in their community, and mobilize them around a student-led actionable project. Each stop includes an educational tabling event mid day focusing on key themes of food, body, zero waste, fashion, clean and home and then is followed up in the evening with a Town Hall meeting to develop a sustainability project led by students. The event fosters a valuable collaboration between students, faculty, and staff as we work alongside you to implement a sustainability project on each college campus. The CCRT also provides an opportunity for students who are interested in applying for a TG summer internship to meet with the team.

What students are saying about CCRT:

  • Bradley, Arizona State University: “I think your organization’s platform is just what college campuses need. I met other student leaders tonight that I have never met before! Thanks for such a great presentation and a great day.”

  • Jordan, Cleveland State University: “I know a lot of people were surprised by the endless facts that they learned. Each station offered so much information. We enlightened so many people. It was such an amazing experience to host the event, I can’t wait to see the ripple effect it has on campus!”

  • Brett, Clemson University: “As a senior I can honestly say that the CCRT event was one of my finer memories of student collaboration. A true definition of Solid Green and the Clemson Family mentality.”

  • Erica, California Polytechnic State University: “Thank you Turning Green for making the CCRT possible at Cal Poly and for all the amazing efforts you make to spread awareness on sustainability and make it accessible to everyone! I was so inspired by the impact of this event on my campus. I think the CCRT is exactly what colleges need to really install a conscious mindset on campus, and make it stick.”

We invite you to apply for a Road Tour stop at your school! Please take a look at the CCRT webpage here for more details and videos of previous Road Tour stops.

Students or staff who wish to host a Road Tour Stop at their school can apply here. Upon review, we will let you know if your application has been selected for a phone interview, the final step of the application process. We hope to develop unique and powerful projects, transform practices and actions, and change the world together.

Please join us!



The UW Department of Urban Design & Planning is a welcoming and safe space for undocumented, Muslim, LGBTQ+, 

and students of color. We will not stand by discrimination or harassment of any kind toward our students.

1.1.18 ccrt-2018-flyer.pdf

Rain or shine it’s SCHOLARSHIP time!

Check out the Scholarship Fair! The fair is January 25th 2:00-5:30 pm in Mary Gates Hall.  You’ll have the chance to learn about scholarship and fellowship opportunities to support you now, this summer, next year and beyond!


Current 3rd and 4th year students, check out these extra opportunities at the fair:



  • For students interested in global affairs, economics, business, international studies or public policy, this is a fully-funded master’s degree program at Tsinghua University in China.
  • 12:30-1:30 pm in Mary Gates Hall 171



  • For students interested in service-work, gap year, and cultural exchange in Asia, this is a unique fellowship opportunity to live and do service work in Asia.
  • 2:00-2:25 pm in Mary Gates Hall 171



  • This fellowship finances U.S. students interested in graduate level study at a UK institution in any field.
  • 4:00-5:00 pm in Mary Gates Hall 171


Current 1st and 2nd year students, check out these extra opportunities at the fair:



  • Scholarships for Washington state residents with financial need. The leadership 1000 is open now, come learn more about it!
  • 11:30 am – 12:20 pm in Mary Gates Hall 171



  • Scholarships to support students in STEM fields.
  • 3:00 pm in Mary Gates Hall 171



Assistant Director
Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards

Mary Gates Hall 171 Box 352803
Seattle, WA 98195-2803
206.543.4170  /

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” src=”cid:image003.jpg@01D3951D.B6448390″ alt=”cid:image003.jpg@01D38643.831D4260″ border=”0″ class=”Apple-web-attachment Singleton”>

Register for updates now! >

Internship Posting: Everett Housing Authority

We are going to be hiring up to 5 Interns to work in our Housing Choice Voucher and Housing Management Departments here at the Everett Housing Authority. We hired Interns for the first-time last year and had such a great response and experience we are excited to be offering this opportunity again.  I was told that if I forward our information to you that you could post it for us on your site.  Attached is our job description that includes the link that can be used to apply.


If you have any questions or need something more from me please let me know.




Paula Kennedy, SHRM-CP

Human Resources Analyst

Everett Housing Authority




Click below for more information:


Sustainability Ambassadors to host “Next Generation leaders”

We can pay the registration fees for 2 CEP members who would be excited to join us on Feb 26 for a day of learning at Green River Community College. See the invitation below


Hello Colleagues and Student Leaders!


Sustainability Ambassadors is partnering with key stakeholders in the watershed to bring passionate, curious and committed high school and college students to participate in the Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium.


When: Monday, February 26, 2018 from 9:00-4:00  (All are welcome to stay for the poster session and social from 4:00-6:00)


Where:  Green River Community College


What:  An inspirational day of panel discussions on current projects and new research by and for those who are working on the watershed’s ecological challenges and social issues. The goal is to foster collaboration, build partnerships, and share knowledge.


Expenses Paid: Sustainability Ambassadors will cover registration fees and lunch. Students need to figure out their own transportation.


Five Expectations for Selected Student Representatives


  1. Agree to represent your class and your school at the Symposium.


  1. Available to attend a full day out of school at the Symposium on Monday, Feb 26. Commit to plan ahead, notify your teachers, and organize for any make up work.


  1. Bring a journal and take notes on the expert presentations that most inspire or intrigue you.


  1. You will be asked to make a full, professional report to the rest of your classmates later in the week. Take notes on…
    1. What are the ecological challenges and social issues in the Green-Duwamish Watershed?
    2. Who is working on them?
    3. What is the big organizing framework… how do all these projects fit together?
    4. What was most inspiring about being at the Symposium?
    5. How can students like me and my peers contribute ideas, energy, and solutions?


  1. Agree to take a short follow-up survey to share your own experience and make recommendations for future years.


REGISTRATION REQUIRED:  Email Peter Donaldson: with your name, school, grade level, email, phone number… and one or two sentences about why this opportunity excites you.


Learn more about the Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium


Learn more about Sustainability Ambassadors


Peter Donaldson

Sustainability Ambassadors


Peer Health Educator Applications are Open

Are you passionate about mental health, alcohol and other drug education, preventing sexual assault, sex positivity, and healthy relationships?


The Peer Health Educators seek to bridge the gap between college health issues and campus resources. Under the Office of Health and Wellness, they facilitate workshops about these topics to different student groups and plan events to promote healthy living. They aim to make UW a safer, healthier place.

Our application will be released January 30, 2018 and it will be due February 13, 2018!

For more information about the application process and PHE’s role on campus, visit or email Tehya, the Volunteer Coordinator, at with any questions.


This opportunity is available to all students on campus, undergraduate and graduate, for the 2018-2019 year and can be counted for credit.

Introduction to business course for non business majors

ESRM 320, Marketing & Management From a Sustainability Perspective, is a course that:

  • gives NW and I&S and 5 credits
  • has no prerequisites
  • has a course website is at
  • Note this is a hybrid online course (hybrid meaning there are two mandatory in-person exams on 5.3 and 5.31, 4:30-6:50 pm, in 223 Anderson Hall Seattle Campus and has several online quizzes on specific dates/times


Overview: Marketing and Management. In ESRM 320, we explore two of the four primary business dimensions: marketing and human resource management (companion course ESRM 321 explores finance and accounting). Marketing refers to promoting, pricing, and distributing new and existing products and services that are aimed at satisfying consumers’ wants, needs, and objectives. Human resource management refers to developing, managing, and motivating human capital and resources. Sustainability refers to integrating environmental, social, and financial elements in order to meet the needs of people today without compromising Earth’s capacity to provide for future generations. Integrating these three is called the triple bottom line. In business, the bottom line refers to net income or profits because it is the last (i.e., bottom) line in a company’s income statement; profits are essential because a business is unsustainable without them. Sustaining the planet over the long term depends not on one but all three bottom lines. We will explore the meaning and importance of sustainable business practices.


Course Goals. ESRM 320 has two primary student learning objectives: 1) learn business concepts and 2) gain hands on experience assessing corporate sustainability performance. The business learning objectives below underlined are achieved through listening to online recorded business lectures and reading the required Nickels textbook while the sustainability learning objectives in bold below are achieved through assessing GRI indicators using sustainability report information.


Learning Objectives (at the end of this course, students should be able to do the following).

–  Explain marketing, management, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability concepts

–  Describe how markets are segmented, targeted, and products positioned to satisfy individual, government, and business consumers’ needs

–  Compare techniques for creating value-added products; valuing environmental and social externalities and managing traditional pricing; developing distribution strategies and “greening” the supply chain; and creating and implementing promotion campaigns

–  Define managerial and leadership styles and theories of motivation

–  Summarize the human resource process of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, motivating, and evaluating employees

–  Summarize how a commitment to sustainability can enhance customer and employee satisfaction

–  Describe Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework for sustainability reporting

–  Assess human rights, labor practices, product responsibility, and society sustainability performance

–  Analyze real world sustainability performance using data in corporate sustainability reports

–  Summarize and interpret sustainability performance data


You can view the ESRM 320 syllabus at IF THIS COURSE IS FULL, THEN email TA Yang Su ( for an add code.