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Woodinville Planning Internship

What is This? 
The International Parking Institute (IPI)
Parking Solutions Competition is a design and
development parking challenge for college students actively enrolled in an undergraduate institution or actively pursuing a graduate degree.
The Challenge: 
Design the garage of the future with a 10- to 20-year outlook— address the form and function of the garage itself to craft more viable mobility solutions for the places we live, work, and play.
  • Form: planning, design, aesthetics, sustainability, adaptability, materials.
  • Functionality: mobility, flow, configuration, security, connectivity.
  • Cost: How do you value a parking space?
  • Relationships: smart city, connected cars, people, transit, IoT.
University students actively enrolled in an undergraduate institution or actively pursuing
a graduate degree that are 18 years of age or older as of May 18, 2018.
In June 2018, the competition will sponsor one member of each finalist team to travel to the
2018 IPI Conference & Expo in Orlando, Fla., to meet international experts and present their innovative idea at the Parking Solutions  Competition, which will be recorded and shared widely on social media.
Finalists Receive: 
  • Roundtrip airfare and a two-night hotel stay in Orlando for one person/team member (arrangements to be made by IPI). Additional participants may attend at their own expense.
  • Free Conference registration valued at $1,299 for one person/team member.
  • One complimentary year of student membership in IPI, the world’s leading and largest association for parking professionals.
Grand Prize Winner: $500 and an article exposing their innovation in The Parking Professional, IPI’s award-winning monthly magazine, showcasing your parking solution, a writeup on, and more.

Design Competition – Call for Entries Closes 2/23

What is This? 
The International Parking Institute (IPI)
Parking Solutions Competition is a design and
development parking challenge for college students actively enrolled in an undergraduate institution or actively pursuing a graduate degree.
The Challenge: 
Design the garage of the future with a 10- to 20-year outlook— address the form and function of the garage itself to craft more viable mobility solutions for the places we live, work, and play.
  • Form: planning, design, aesthetics, sustainability, adaptability, materials.
  • Functionality: mobility, flow, configuration, security, connectivity.
  • Cost: How do you value a parking space?
  • Relationships: smart city, connected cars, people, transit, IoT.
University students actively enrolled in an undergraduate institution or actively pursuing
a graduate degree that are 18 years of age or older as of May 18, 2018.
In June 2018, the competition will sponsor one member of each finalist team to travel to the
2018 IPI Conference & Expo in Orlando, Fla., to meet international experts and present their innovative idea at the Parking Solutions  Competition, which will be recorded and shared widely on social media.
Finalists Receive: 
  • Roundtrip airfare and a two-night hotel stay in Orlando for one person/team member (arrangements to be made by IPI). Additional participants may attend at their own expense.
  • Free Conference registration valued at $1,299 for one person/team member.
  • One complimentary year of student membership in IPI, the world’s leading and largest association for parking professionals.
Grand Prize Winner: $500 and an article exposing their innovation in The Parking Professional, IPI’s award-winning monthly magazine, showcasing your parking solution, a writeup on, and more.

To enter the competition click HERE!

Apply for the Environmental Innovation Challenge

Apply for the Environmental Innovation Challenge
Application deadline is February 20 | Questions? E-mail Lauren Brohawn

Maybe the idea came to you in the lab, in class, or on a hike. Whatever the source, the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge student competition is the place to showcase your solution to our pressing environmental problems. Form a team. Shape the future. $15,000 Grand Prize!

Start your application now

Available Resources for EIC Applicants


Examples of Past Entries
So you want to enter, but you feel like the business part is intimidating—We can help! All students are invited to come by our office in Dempsey Hall 227 to view past entries. Bring a notepad and any questions you might have. And definitely review the rules beforehand under the “Entry Requirements” tab.

Judging Criteria:
See expanded list of guidelines and online examplesat under the “Judging Criteria” tab. Judges don’t just score you! You will also receive in-person feedback and long-lasting connections.

The Basics:

What is the problem you are addressing?
What is your proposed solution?
Who are the team members and advisors?
Do you have a demo or prototype? (You are NOT expected to have a final model)

Foster BizDev Consultants
This team of MBA candidates is happy to help you with the business aspects of your project. Contact them ASAP to be matched with an appropriate consultant.


S&E Design Consulting

A team of students from the Human Centered Design and Engineering program can help you think through your digital product design. E-mail them to connect.


A virtual platform where you can connect with professionals who are happy to advise you. Use your UW student ID (non-UW students can gettemporary ID by e-mailing the Buerk Center).



2017 EIC Photo Diary

What is the competition experience like? Take a look at the photo diary from the 2017 EIC and read what students just like you had to say.


Drop-in or Stream Resource Nights

Each Tuesday during Winter Quarter from 6 to 7:50 pm in PACCAR Hall 192




Student of Color Support and Empowerment Group

Student of Color Support and Empowerment Group
This is a support group for students of color who are often navigating a complex and difficult
college environment. The focus of this group is on creating a space for students of color to
connect over experiences of discrimination/oppression/racism, support one another, and gain
wisdom and energy from each other. Topics covered in the group will vary based on the
members’ preferences, but some examples include but are not limited to: microaggressions,
pressure to prove yourself, feeling like you don’t fit in, discrimination, first-generation college
student, family issues, and academic issues/concerns, romantic relationships, sexism, racism,
imposter syndrome, stereotype threat, self-awareness, self-esteem, emotional health issues
and other stressors related to being a person of color in this university environment.
If interested, please contact Dr. Andrea Salazar-Nuñez at or (206) 543-1240 for more information. Group meets Wednesdays from 3-4pm at the UW Counseling Center, 401 Schmitz Hall.

SPU Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant

City of Seattle colleagues, please forward the following message to your networks. Thank you!


Seattle Public Utilities is now accepting applications for our new Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant, which funds community projects focused on waste prevention. Waste prevention means creating less waste by buying and using less, reusing items, and sharing or donating items so others can use them. By working together as a community to prevent waste, we can help the environment, protect public health, build community, and save money.


Grant program objectives:

  • Support community leadership and innovation around waste prevention
  • Increase community access to waste prevention benefits and opportunities
  • Reduce the amount of materials going to waste in Seattle


In addition to preventing waste, projects must do ONE or more of the following:

  • Be innovative: test or expand on new approaches or technologies
  • Engage one or more of the following communities: communities of color, immigrants, refugees, low-income, people with disabilities, seniors, young adults, youth, children, and/or small businesses
  • Help communities in need: such as providing free or low-cost resources or job training to homeless or low-income communities


Application Deadline: February 23, 2018 (applications may be submitted in-language and in print or video format)

Funding Amount: $2,000 – $15,000 per grant award

Match Requirement: 50% of grant award (in-kind or cash)


Please visit our website at for more details about the grant program.


If you have any questions, please contact us at the email or phone number listed below.


We look forward to partnering with you to prevent waste in Seattle!


Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant

Seattle Public Utilities  l  Solid Waste Line of Business

700 5th Ave, Suite 4600  l  PO Box 34018  l  Seattle, WA 98124-4018

(206) 386-9794  l

Study Abroad Jordan Application and Scholarship Announcement, please share with students in your program

nterested in Water Resources and Water Engineering.

Join “Engineering Jordan: Water in an Arid Land” – a Summer 2018 Study Abroad program

(August 26 through September 19, 2018)

 Scholarships and Financial Aid Available!

(more scholarships available this year than ever before!)

to be eligible for scholarships, complete your application by:

February 15
To view the application, use this link

  • Study Abroad in Jordan with UW faculty.
  • Learn about the connections among water resources and water engineering in one of the most water-scare nations in the world, and be ready to be amazed.
  • Interact with Jordanian students, scientists, and engineers.
  • Tour desalination plants on the Dead Sea. Hike through water ravines. Tour wastewater treatment plants designed to reuse water. Visit the dying Azraq Oasis. View first-hand archeological sites with ancient water infrastructure, including the UNESCO World Heritage site of Petra.

This course is co-sponsored by the! Department of Civil and Env! ironmental Engineering; and the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. It is led by UW faculty and counts as 5 credits toward your UW degree. Both graduate and undergraduate options available. CEE students earn credits (CEE 497 or CEWA 597) towards their major. And, new this year, ESRM 490 will focus on management perspectives across multiple stakeholders in water engineering.

Additional information can be found at the course canvas Information Page, or contact Dr. Heidi Gough, lead instructor at



You’ve been invited to participate in a research study!

Click this link or copy it into your web browser to participate in the study:

The person sending you this email is in no way related to the study other than by simply forwarding this message along.

Participation involves a 10-15 minute multiple-choice questionnaire regarding your sexual experiences. If you complete the questionnaire, you are eligible to be part of a random drawing for 1 of 5 Amazon gift cards (one worth $100, two worth $50, and two worth $20) as a way to thank you for your participation.

If you are interested in participating, you can click on the above link where you will receive more information on the study and be asked to go over a consent form. After going over the consent form and agreeing to it, you will be able to fill out the questionnaire. You can fill out the questionnaire anytime between now and February 24th, 2018.

Your responses will be anonymous; there is no way for anyone to know who filled out the questionnaire. Your participation is entirely voluntary; you may skip any questions that you do not want to answer. At the end of the questionnaire, you will be directed to a completely different website where you will be asked to input your UW email so that you can be part of the random drawing. Your questionnaire responses will not be capable of being traced to your UW email in any way.

My name is Tomás Narvaja, and I am the lead investigator for a UW IRB approved study being done on UW students’ sexual experiences being conducted in conjunction with Dr. Nancy Kenney, who’s an associate professor within the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies department here at UW. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to learn more about our study, you can contact me by phone at (425) 516-2512 or by email at You can also contact Dr. Nancy Kenney by phone at (206) 543-2563 or by email at


Tomás Narvaja

Apply Now! Environmental Innovation Challenge

Maybe the idea came to you in a studio, in class, or on a hike. Whatever the source, the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge student competition is the place to showcase your solution to our pressing environmental problems. Form a team. Shape the future.

Apply Here: Deadline: February 20 by 8 am PST

  • Funding is available for demonstration models. Deadline extended for CBE students! Submit your funding application by Monday, February 12, 8 am
  1. Why participate?
  • Top-level professionals from the community will mentor you.
  • Work with an interdisciplinary team – open to grad and undergrads in all disciplines
  • Prepare yourself for a career that positively impacts the planet.
  • Win prizes up to $15,000 or more. Prize money only can go to student team members and it is yours to do with what you wish.
  1. No strings attached! These are your ideas.
  2. Alaska Airlines is our nominal sponsor, and provides financial support to assist the Buerk Center in running this annual challenge for student teams