Cool Timeline
Building Community Through Food and Storytelling — Call for recipes !
What is one food or food dish that represents your identity? How does this food item embrace and/or showcase who you are? Created by students for the Husky community, the Husky Cookbook is a collection of recipes and food stories gathered from UW students, staff, and faculty. The project aims to unite members across the broader UW…Read More
Request for Proposals Fall 2019
The UW Student Technology Fee project proposal application is open Welcome back to Fall Quarter! The UW-Seattle Student Technology Fee is now requesting proposal submissions for student projects. Student organizations in need of funding can apply to the STF this quarter by visiting our website to apply. Student organizations can apply…Read More
Become LEED Accredited – Seattle – Oct. 30
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training When: October 30th 2019 – 6:00PM to 9:30 PM Where: UW Seattle – Loew Hall – Room 112 Registration: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. Buildings can become LEED Certified as can people! Boost your resume up with the LEED…Read More
Undergraduate Community-Based Internships (UCBI)
WHAT IS UCBI? Undergraduate Community-Based Internships (UCBI), is a paid internship program that places undergraduates in non-profit and public sector organizations. Students interested in public service get the chance to explore, contribute, and grow as they work in, with, and for local communities. Students work on-site with their host organizations…Read More
Community Lifescapes: Discussion with visiting Waseda researchers
Join us next Tuesday! Community Lifescapes A Discussion with the Goto Lab of Waseda University, Branden Born, Jim Diers, and Jeff Hou The Goto Lab, led by Professor Haruhiko GOTO of Waseda University, has been a pioneer in urban and regional planning in Japan. In the historic city of Nara, their most…Read More
B E 498 F / 598 F Cites on Screen 1-credit course has space available
Interested in cities and film? 1-credit course B E 498 F / 598 F Cites on Screen has space available! BE 498 F | 598 F Cities on Screen is a 1-credit film series and seminar in the College of the Built Environment that offers design and planning students and other UW community members…Read More
2019 Diversity Committee meetings
You are invited to join the UDP Diversity Committee meeting for autumn quarter! All students, faculty, staff, and UDP Professionals Council members are welcome to participate on the Committee. The meetings are one hour long and occur every two weeks. The time commitment is approximately 6 hours a month, including…Read More
Fall 2019 Work-Study Job Opportunities at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
I’m excited to share that the Evans School is looking to hire THREE work-study students for the 2019-20 academic year to support our Student Services team with Career Development, Admissions, Equity & Inclusion, and general office projects. Students are needed for 10-15 hours a week and will earn $16/hour. I’ve attached the job descriptions…Read More