Aligning Food Systems with Nutrition & Health
Thursdays January 4 – March 8, 2018
Alder Commons Auditorium/104
About the Winter Series:
Almost every country in the world is facing a nutrition-related challenge. “Millions of people have too much of the wrong food, while millions more have too little of the right food”, as aptly quoted in the 2017 IFPRI Global Nutrition Report. What are we doing about it? Join our Winter Nutrition Seminar Series, organized by UW Nutritional Science Program, to hear from the food system and nutrition experts!
WIN18 NUTR400 Speaker Schedule
The seminar is open to all UW students, faculty and staff. Students may register for NUTR 400 (SLN 18490, undergraduates) or NUTR 500 (SLN 18495, graduates).