Alcohol Skills Training Program / 1 hr
This is an interactive overview of strategies to reduce the harms associated with alcohol use. We review standard drink content, blood alcohol concentration and effects, sex differences, tolerance, and strategies for those who do choose to drink on how to do so in a less dangerous or less risky way. Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Marijuana / 1 hr
This is an interactive discussion that addresses current laws in Washington as well as health effects of marijuana most relevant to college students, including cognitive effects, cardiovascular effects, impact on sleep, signs of withdrawal, “the munchies,” interactions with alcohol, and Q&A about other drugs. Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Mental Health Training / 1 hr 30 min.
This workshop invites participants to engage in a dynamic conversation about mental health and the myths, perceptions and stigma that surround it. Participants will learn about suicide prevention, receive strategies on how to support others, as well as receive information about on-campus resources and supports. Workshop led by Professional Staff in Health & Wellness
PHE: Let’s Talk About Mental Health / 1hr 30 min
This program is similar to our Mental Health Training but led by our Peer Health Educators. This workshop is great for students wanting a peer perspective on mental health. This workshop aims to reduce stigma, to promote strategies on how to support others, and to offer information about on-campus resources and supports. Workshop led by Peer Health Educators trained by Health & Wellness
Sexual Assault & Relationship Violence Prevention / 1 hr 15 min.
This is a foundational discussion of the continuum of interpersonal violence, UW campus norms, supporting friends and survivors and how students can engage as active bystanders and campus leaders in creating a safer campus culture. Introduces strategies from Green Dot Training. Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Consent Chats Part 1: Relationship Skills and Boundaries / 1 hr 15 min.
This interactive discussion focuses on helping students cultivate the types of relationships they want, identify personal boundaries, and discuss norms and practices of sexual consent.
Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Consent Chats Part 2: Communication Skills / 1 hr 15 min.
This interactive discussion will advance the conversation about sexual consent with a focus on communication skills and changing campus norms around consent and sex-positivity. Groups must complete Consent Chats part 1 before scheduling this workshop.Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Relationship Violence and Stalking / 1 hr 15 min.
This discussion focuses on the dynamics of relationship violence, stalking, UW campus norms, how to support friends and survivors and how students can engage as active bystanders in creating a safer campus culture. Introduces strategies from Green Dot Training. Program led by Health & Wellness Professional Staff
Green Dot Overview / 1 hr +
The Green Dot program aims to reduce and prevent interpersonal violence at UW. This discussion focuses on the importance of being an active bystander and campus leader in changing culture at UW. Program led by Green Dot Staff
Green Dot Bystander Training / 6 hrs – Offered once per quarter
This full-day training enhances students’ skills in being an active bystander and campus leader in preventing interpersonal violence on campus. We will examine dynamics of violence, barriers to intervening, and explore creative solutions for interrupting violence. Participants will gain confidence in their skills and enhance their understanding of solutions to intervene in situations in ways that feel safe and comfortable. Program led by Certified Green Dot Trainers