People in Seattle who use public transportation as their main mode of transportation accumulate a great amount of time waiting for public transit. Seattle’s adult obesity rate has also nearly tripled since 1990. Could one solution to Seattle’s obesity problem be found in the waiting time of bus riders? This project examines the feasibility of turning bus shelters into exercise zones. Specifically, this project was designed first to gauge interest of having simple and accessible exercise equipment installed at a University of Washington station bus stop, and, second, to find out which equipment passengers would want to see installed. This project required research on health, exercise, and bus ridership, as well as looking at case studies, surveying bus riders, and surveying gym users at the UW Intramural Activities Building. 80% of the people surveyed for this project were in favor of installing exercise equipment, and the two most popular devices people wanted were a pull up bar and assisted rowing and pushup machines. Findings from this research are summarized in a report that also includes a series of recommendations and next steps.