Cool Timeline
Internship Opportunities in Chicago
Some exciting land-use and transportation internship opportunities in Chicago – click here!
PechaKucha Event Invitation
Click here to view the event flyer: PechaKucha Flyer Note that the PAW has waived the $50 registration fee for the conference for any student willing to make a PechaKucha presentation. Additionally, the dept will fund the cost of a UCar for students who wish to carpool to the event. Contact…Read More
Designing for Resilience, Equity, and Democracy
With the onslaught of challenges (and opportunities) associated with climate change, significant demographic shifts and increased political activism, what is the role of the landscape architect in designing for such change? Gina will discuss a series of projects at a variety of scales where landscape is a medium and catalyst for addressing resilience,…Read More
Upcoming scholarship deadlines and workshops
Examples of Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines: (find more on MGH database) — UW Women’s Center Meena Vashee Scholarship is awarded to one individual each year who is a survivor of domestic violence or the child of a survivor. You must be a UW undergraduate student to apply. The scholarship is awarded in the amount of $2000. The 2018/2019 scholarship…Read More
Sustainable Ballard interns
Sustainable Ballard’s call for Summer interns: 1) We do public outreach work for King County’s RainWise program, which provides rebates to property owners who install rain gardens or cisterns on their property. We need probably 2 part-time interns to help with educating the public about the program through doorbelling and…Read More
Undergraduate research position, GIS skills required
MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! Description of Research: Connections between community members and city service providers play a crucial role in enabling communities to effectively respond to disruptions, which might be small (a road closure) or large (an earthquake). This undergraduate student research project will focus on the collection,…Read More
Become LEED Accredited!
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training When: May 5, 2018 – 1:00PM to 5:00 PM Where: UW Seattle – Loew Hall – Room 112 Registration: Want to show employers you have knowledge in the field of sustainability? LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. Buildings can become…Read More
Drop-In Mental Health Resources for Students in Spring Quarter
Here are the drop-in mental health resources for spring quarter. These are FREE resources available for students. No appointments necessary. Students can just show up. More information and flyers available via hyperlink. Mindfulness for Daily Living with Ron Ma, 2-2:45pm (NEW TIME) on Thursdays (through the last week of class) in 401 Schmitz Hall…Read More
UDP Spring Potluck – April 20
Spring Potluck! Friday, April 20th, 6:30pm. Hosted by the UDP Diversity Committee.
Summer Study Abroad – Mexico
Summer Study Abroad 2018: Comparative Urban Planning, Design and Related Urban Issues: Mexico and the US Visit Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende, and Guanajuato, June 12th – June 19th, 2018. See attached poster!