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Study Abroad: Sweden Design/Build Course, June 14th – August 14th, 2018

The University of Washington will collaborate with students from HDK Steneby – Academy of Design and Crafts, to design and construct the outdoor space in collaboration with the local community that includes a large population of Syrian refugees.

We will create a multifunctional outdoor space in Dals Långed: a space with pavilions projecting from a sloping hill with views of a central lake that allows social gathering in the winter months and an upper plaza for larger social gatherings and food cultivation to take place. The project will serve refugees, locals and a large student population residing in Dals Långed, a village situated in the heart of Dalsland, a southwestern Swedish province often referred to as ‘Sweden in miniature’.

Field trips to Gothenburg, Tresticklan National Park, Sörknattens Nature Reserve, and many lakes and waterways. The area is conveniently located for individual trips to other major Scandinavian cities, like Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Applications due: Check with IPE, Search for “Sweden.”

Informational meetings:
Thursday November 2, 12-1pm Gould Hall Room 100
Tuesday November 7, 12-1pm Gould Hall Room 100
Monday November 13, 12-1pm Gould Hall Room 100
Tuesday December 5, 12:30 – 1:30pm Gould Hall Room 100