City of Seattle colleagues, please forward the following message to your networks. Thank you!
Seattle Public Utilities is now accepting applications for our new Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant, which funds community projects focused on waste prevention. Waste prevention means creating less waste by buying and using less, reusing items, and sharing or donating items so others can use them. By working together as a community to prevent waste, we can help the environment, protect public health, build community, and save money.
Grant program objectives:
- Support community leadership and innovation around waste prevention
- Increase community access to waste prevention benefits and opportunities
- Reduce the amount of materials going to waste in Seattle
In addition to preventing waste, projects must do ONE or more of the following:
- Be innovative: test or expand on new approaches or technologies
- Engage one or more of the following communities: communities of color, immigrants, refugees, low-income, people with disabilities, seniors, young adults, youth, children, and/or small businesses
- Help communities in need: such as providing free or low-cost resources or job training to homeless or low-income communities
Application Deadline: February 23, 2018 (applications may be submitted in-language and in print or video format)
Funding Amount: $2,000 – $15,000 per grant award
Match Requirement: 50% of grant award (in-kind or cash)
Please visit our website at for more details about the grant program.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the email or phone number listed below.
We look forward to partnering with you to prevent waste in Seattle!
Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant
Seattle Public Utilities l Solid Waste Line of Business
700 5th Ave, Suite 4600 l PO Box 34018 l Seattle, WA 98124-4018