JSIS/LARC Nepal: Design and Development in Nepal
Exploration Seminar – Early Fall 2017: August 22, 2017 – September 18, 2017
$3125 program fee; financial aid available
5 credits JSIS 392 or 5 credits LARC 495
Students from all majors are welcome – no pre-requisites
Applications due: March 1, 2017
The Design and Development in Nepal exploration seminar is a unique, 28-day program offered jointly by the Nepal Studies Initiative and the Informal Urban Communities Initiative. The seminar challenges students to delve into the ideas and contemporary debates surrounding development, and respond to them through community-based participatory design. Students in the seminar will explore historical and contemporary conditions as key drivers of change in the country and engage in a small scale design intervention in an underserved urban neighborhood in the Kathmandu Valley. This innovative program aims to engender humility in the face of complexity and reflective action in response to context and community.
Learn more at our upcoming information session:
Thursday, February 16, 2017, 12-1pm Thomson 317
Visit the UW Study Abroad Website to learn more and apply!