Have you ever considered earning a graduate degree in the environmental sciences?
The Natural Resources Science and Management (NRSM) graduate program at the University of Minnesota is currently accepting applications for the 2018-19 academic year.
Our website provides a lot of information that may be helpful for prospective applicants. The following webpages may be of particular interest: NRSM Faculty, Financing and Funding, and Placement of Recent Graduates. In addition to these resources, it is worth noting that we have a number of fellowships and research opportunities available for students of color and students from traditionally underserved communities. One such fellowship with the National Parks Service is new beginning in fall 2018.
If you are interested in applying for admission for fall 2018, it is highly recommend that you reach out to NRSM faculty members who are conducting research that is of interest to you, to see if they are accepting graduate students for the next academic year.
For more information, see the fliers below!