University of Washington Transportation Services currently has 3 job openings on our Commute Options and Planning team. Commute Options and Planning is responsible for transportation demand management strategies and programming for student, staff, faculty and visitors to campus. We promote sustainable transportation options such as walking, bicycling, transit, and ridesharing to campus, through products such as U-PASS, promotional events and programs, as well as consultation and technical support of plans and projects to enhance the campus commuter experience. Please click on the links below for a full description of the open positions:
Transportation Data Analyst<> – Provide and evaluate data needed to drive business, planning and policy decisions to increase sustainable transportation options on campus and ensure compliance with state and local requirements
TDM Program Development Specialist<> – Develop and manage TDM programs, products, policies and strategies to increase sustainable transportation options on campus and meet our mode split goals
TDM Program Operations Specialist<> – Provide and oversee the daily operations for TDM programs and products to encourage non-drive alone commuting to campus