Green Shores for Homes Training Program
Green Shores for Homes
Wednesday-Thursday, October 23-24, 2017, 8:30am-4pm
Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St., Seattle, WA 98105
Cost: $395
Instructors: Nicole Faghin, Washington Sea Grant, and Jessica Cote, Confluence Environmental Company
This two-day workshop provides participants with in-depth knowledge about how the Green Shores credit and rating systems can be used to improve the quality of shoreline management projects. Green Shores for Homes is a voluntary program similar to green building rating programs such as Built Green and LEED with a focus on waterfront properties. A residential project receives points for design features.
The content is of interest to professionals (biologists, engineers, planners, landscape architects) and contractors, local and regional government staff, and others seeking to implement the Green Shores program for a shoreline improvement, new design or development, or other related shoreline projects.
The first day of the workshop begins with a review of shoreline ecosystems including threats and issues, management and restoration strategies, and regulatory structures in place. The Green Shores program, including benefits to stakeholders, steps for implementation, and credit systems, are also covered. The second day of the workshop focuses on application of the Green Shores credit and ratings systems through a series of desktop and field exercises. The workshop concludes with a guided group discussion around how to implement key concepts and put new learning into practice.
Professional credits approved: APLD (11), ASLA (12), CERP (12), CPH (12), ecoPRO (12), NALP/WALP (12)