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Early Fall Start Course @ Friday Harbor Labs

MARBIO 488: Marine Biology in the Field

Autumn 2019

description: This class examines the various aspects of the marine environment. Students conduct field experiments that integrate different aspects of marine biology including physical oceanography, beach geomorphology, ecology, species richness, biodiversity, and the use of models to understand physical and biological relationships. Students will work in teams as well as individually to help design and conduct field surveys, species identifications, using a variety of methods to analyze field samples in the laboratory. Students will examine and integrate biological and physical parameters of the nearshore marine ecosystem using basic modeling and statistics.  Students will  give group oral presentations at the end of Fall quarter. 


instructor: Carolyn Friedman

6 credits, graded

FHL: 9/6-9/22

On campus in autumn quarter: Weds, 1:30-3:20  

  • Early fall: Must live at Friday Harbor Labs from Friday, 9/6/19 (check in after 3:00 pm) through Sunday, 9/22/2019 (checkout by 9 AM)
  • Autumn quarter: There will be a regular, weekly class meeting time on campus in autumn quarter to work on analysis and write-up.

cost (will be part of autumn tuition):

course fee: $100

room/board (covers lodging and all meals): $900


This course is intended for juniors/seniors in marine biology, but we are opening up additional spots in the pilot offering to students with backgrounds in biology and other environmental sciences. Broadly speaking, faculty will be looking for background coursework in Biology, quantitative skills (statistics), communication and writing. 

works for:

Check with your major adviser to see if the course can be applied to major requirements

Marine Biology minor – integrative experience + FHL/BIOL elective (credit split)

To apply:

– email with a copy of your unofficial transcript (pdf) to be shared with the instructor for application review.