Check out the informational poster here!
The Croatia Design/Build 2018 Fall Program offers a unique service
learning opportunity in Rovinj on the Istra Penninsula, North Adriatic
Students will design and build a physical therapy/sensory garden on the
campus of the Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Hospital “Prim.dr.Martin
Horvat”. The project will expose students to the inland continental and
Adriatic Coast of Croatia; two distinct parts of the country. Field trips to other regions will complement this project.
Undergraduate, graduate and nonmatriculated students in landscape
architecture, architecture, anthropology, fine arts and other fields may
apply. Students will learn the skills of therapeutic garden design,
construction detailing, management, and community participation.
Information sessions:
Friday November 10, 12:00pm
Monday November 20,12:30pm
Tuesday November 28,12:30pm
Gould Hall, RM 100
For more information, contact Prof. Daniel Winterbottom,