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English Study Abroad in Rome

Study Abroad in Rome Fall 2019 with an English Department faculty-led program! 

Distinguished 2018 teaching award winner, Frances McCue  and Professor Bob Abrams are leading students to Rome this Fall 2019 through an English Department faculty-led study abroad program called Exploring Fables and Spaces of Rome.

Upcoming Information Sessions:

Wednesday January 23rd @ NOON  in Allen Auditorium, Allen Library 


Thursday January 24th @ NOON  in Allen Auditorium, Allen Library  

Students will earn 15 credits toward their English major, or 15 credits toward the English minor, or 15 credits toward their degree (5 credits of C or W credits and 10 credits of VLPA).

You do NOT need to be an English major to apply; this is a multidisciplinary program encouraging all majors to apply!

Some scholarships are available through the UW Study Abroad Office, but scholarship opportunities are also available for you to research through 

the Office of Merit and Scholarships.


English advising would love to talk further with you as you consider this life-changing study abroad opportunity. 

Professors McCue ( and Abrams ( would also love to talk with you so feel free to email them directly.

Seeking Applicants for the CAUSE Leadership Academy Program!

The 2019 CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA) application is now open and available on the CAUSE website.

CLA is a nine-week paid summer internship program where students are placed in private, nonprofit and government sectors. Through exposure to decision-makers, policymakers, and the issues of the day, undergraduates gain a deeper awareness of the political issues facing the APA community in California. Although we focus heavily on Asian Pacific American (APA) community issues in the curriculum, applicants do not need to be API to apply.

If you know of any qualified candidates who would be interested in applying, please share the application that I have attached to this email. Please note that the CLA application closes on Thursday, January 31st. You are more than welcome to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding the application. Thank you so much for all your support and coordination!

Landscape Architecture Study Abroad in Nepal

InterAction Nepal | Design, Development, Global Health | Fall | 2019

InterAction Nepal is an immersive, interdisciplinary study abroad program offered with the support of the UW Department of Landscape Architecture, the JSIS South Asia Center Nepal Studies Initiative, the Department of Global Health and Traction | Nepal. The program will challenge you to delve into contemporary issues surrounding urban development in the Kathmandu Valley and respond to them at a local scale through community-based human centered design, project implementation and assessment. You will work with local students and residents of an underserved community to design and build a small-scale intervention in community infrastructure and evaluate project impacts on human and environmental health. You will also have the opportunity to pursue your own research interests through independent study. Program activities include lectures and discussions, organizational site visits, field trips within and outside the Kathmandu Valley, community meetings/workshops and hands-on design/fabrication/construction. 

Information Sessions:

Gould Hall, Rm 102

Thursday, January 31st @ 12 noon

Friday, February 8th @ 12 noon

Program Brochure / Applications:

Please visit the UW Study Abroad application portal here

Applications are due Friday, February 15th 



Ben Spencer


Flyer: InterAction_Nepal_Study Abroad_Fall_2019

UW Earth Day Student Planning- Paid/Volunteer

UW Sustainability, the College of the Environment and the Campus Sustainability Fund are looking for students to help plan this year’s Earth Day events, including a part-time paid student coordinator position. The goal of this year’s Earth Day is to be an inclusive, diverse event that incorporates a focus on social and environmental justice and engages members of campus who are traditionally underrepresented in discussions and actions around sustainability. Event programming may include interactive arts, live performance and inspirational speakers to create a multi-dimensional event to attract students from across campus.


The UW Earth Day student coordinator will help plan and coordinate the 2019 UW Earth Day celebrations. This student will recruit and lead passionate, multi-disciplinary and diverse student volunteers in a planning committee to help determine Earth Day programming, and will also coordinate volunteers for the event. Full details and application information can be found here:


Any student who is interested in volunteering to be a part of the Earth Day planning committee should email Toren Elste, UW Sustainability Program Specialist, at

Harvard Forest Summer Research and Internship (Paid!)

At the Harvard Forest, we are looking for two students for a particular project in our summer internship program, one of the projects is perfect for a regional planning student with coursework and/or real-world experience.  Most of our funding is for undergraduate students but we do have funding available for recent graduates if we do not get well-qualified undergrad applicants. 


Broadly we are looking for a student to synthesize existing regional plans in the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts, and in collaboration with two onsite conservationists and local stakeholders create a draft plan for the region.  The plan would be used by members of a possible/newly forming partnership interested in balancing land conservation, economic interests, agriculture, etc within the region.


Alta Planning + Design Firm: Temporary Position

Alta’s Seattle office is hiring a temporary outreach position to support planning, implementing, and evaluating Active Transportation and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs. We are looking to hire in January and expect the position to run through June 2019. More information about the position here: Programs Specialist.

City of Bellevue Management Fellow

Do you have a passion for public service? Do you want to make a positive impact on your community? The City of Bellevue is looking for a future leader seeking meaningful opportunities to explore local government management to join our team for this unique professional development opportunity.

The Management Fellowship is a two-year career development program designed to attract, develop and retain talented emerging professionals in city government. The Management Fellow works under the direction of the City Manager’s Office, playing a leading role coordinating, facilitating and managing city projects and programs across the organization. Fellows routinely interact with city leadership and attend high-level meetings to be exposed to the responsibilities of each department and current local government issues. A deputy or assistant city manager will oversee the fellowship, providing career guidance and insight into management and leadership styles.

At the City of Bellevue you’ll be part of a team committed to providing exceptional customer service, upholding the public interest and being a part of the community vision. Our people bring unique skills and qualities to the table, embrace the values of honesty, accountability and commitment to service and take pride in the work they do. You’ll work in an environment where being innovative, collaborative and future focused are the status quo. Bellevue welcomes the world. Our diversity is our strength. It’s what makes the City of Bellevue an exciting place to work, live and explore.

The fellowship serves for approximately two years in a limited-term employment capacity. The position is open until February 1, 2019.

A real time Architecture Competition in Jena‘s tower-block district

72 Hour Urban Action Lobeda – 2.-5. Mai 2019

In 2019 the Bauhaus will celebrate its centennial anniversary. As part of the- se celebrations movements all over the country are searching for answers to these most urgent social questions posed by the legacy of the Bauhaus: do we want to live together? How does the city of the future look like? Who makes the city today?

We try to answer these questions in Jena with „72 Hour Urban Action“ – a ra-
pid -architecture-festival. „72 Hour urban action“ offers participative urban
development combined with artistic activity for three days and three nights in
Lobeda, Jena‘s biggest tower block district. The Competition will be formed
by 120 Competitors coming from Lobeda, Jena, Germany and the rest of the
world, making up ten international teams. Each team will get a mission and
a site, to design and build an installation in public space in response to local
needs. Residents and neighbours are invited to take part of the public pro-
gram and cheer the teams as they compete against each other and against the 2 ticking clock!

Process in Lobeda:

The festival team has been hosting research and partners workshops in Lo- ebda since 2017, setting up a network of local institutions and looking closely at the use of public spaces in the district. These workshop bring together local experts and residents, social clubs and people with shared interests in resha- ping Lobeda‘s public spaces together. These actors help us understand and know Lobeda from within, map and collect the wishes and needs of the dis- trict and prepare the ground for the international teams to come and work on site. Ten sites are selected and analysed through this collective process and ten missions set the challenges for the teams to respond to. From May 2nd to 5th, these actors will support the competition teams in forming different rapid architecture installations, in a live, public, design and build process with the public as audience. The installations will be evaluated by an international jury, with one team winning the first prize.

72 Hour Urban Action provides for an alternative, collective method to ma- king public space. We know changes in the city can be done together and don‘t need to take a long time. We have seen the benefits of involving professionals and amateurs alike in the making of places and we believe in the power of the small change to make a big difference. The Format was first realized by the biennale of Landscape Urbanism of Bat-Yam by architect Kerem Halbrecht and curator Gilly Karjevsky in Israel in 2010. The Team in Lobeda-Jena includes by architect Lukasz Lendzinski and Designer Markus Niessner. Since 2010 the Format adapted to different urban contexts and was realized in Stuttgart (Ger- many), Terni (Italy), Roskilde (Denmark), Witten (Germany), Istanbul (Turkey) and on Malta (among others).

Short description

Bauhaus anniversary 2019: Lobeda‘s urban structure is a live reminder of the past of this east German region. The buildings of Lobeda exemplify the ideo- logy and values of that time: anonymity, functionality, simplicity and efficiency. This way of building and this understanding of Architecture is not only found in the DDR: These are dreams of modern architecture, as developed, honed and perfected by the Bauhaus in the beginning of the 20th century. The Idea of a global architecture underlies the massive tower blocks district in Lobeda. If you take these buildings out of their negative image of cheap and fast bu-

ilt mass housing one thing becomes clear: the canon of values of the modern age. 72 HUA deals with the questions that were already asked by the famous Bauhaus school in Weimar: How do we want to live together? What does the city of the future look like? How can design change our society?


The Idea: 72 Hour Urban Action is a contemporary tool for testing designs for public space. It is a tool for resetting our views on public space. This tool, ta- king the form of a design festival, has been making changes in communities since 2010, working with local partners and resident from the bottom up and hands on. 72HUA exposes local needs and offers a fast alternative to tho-

se needs by bringing experts and amateurs to work on a local scale, in micro sites – those neglected pockets of urban space that are too small to officially develop, too big for residents to ignore.

Schedule: On the first week of May 2019, ten teams will inhabit the fabrication camp in Lobeda West, and work in ten intervention sites in the district. The teams will include Lobeda residents as well as international designers, archi- tects, craftsmen and other professional groups. At the public launch event on May 2nd, each team will be allocated a site and a mission, after which they will have only three days and nights to design, plan, budget, construct and build

an urban intervention. Each team can spend up to 2000Euro on materials and must work with local participants. 72 Hours later, on the evening of May 5th, at a public landing event, an international jury will announce the winners, and the neighbours in Lobeda are invited to celebrate with all the team.

Preparation phase: The festival team has been working with local actors and the planning department in Lobeda West for over a year, to map and research potential sites for interventions. Parallel to the architectural research, local re- sidents and experts were asked about their wishes and needs in the district

in various workshops and public meetings. After the selection of a long list of sites, a short list of ten sites is selected together with local authorities and a deeper research and mapping phase begins to identify the mission on each site.

In January 2019, an international open call is launched to invite German and international participants to apply. Past editions of 72HUA open calls have at- tracted Hundreds of applications each, from more than fifty different countries. The participants are selected by the festival team according to skills they can contribute to the teams. Help us spread the word!

Aims: 72HUA acts as proof of concept that activation of public space doesn‘t necessarily need to be complicated. The collaboration with residents serves
to build local capacity for place-making and the understanding of the benefits of an active public space in Lobeda. The festival team hopes that the residents who participate take over the installations and potentially further develop them

The curators: 72 Hour Urban Action was founded by Architect Kerem Halb- recht and is co directed by curator Gilly Karjevsky. The first edition took place in 2010 at the Bat Yam Biennale for Landscape Urbanism in Israel. Since then the format has been brought to different places all over the globe in many va- riations. 72HUA was held in Stuttgart (Germany), Terni (Italy), Roskilde (Den- mark), Witten (Germany), Istanbul (Turkey) and Malta, among others.

For 72HUA in Lobeda West the festival team has expanded to include Architec- ture Studio Umschichten and Communication designer Markus Nießner (niess- nerdesign GmbH). Caroline Zacheiss is the project manager locally in Jena.

Organiser: 72HUA Lobeda is organised by JenaKultur in multilateral coopera- tion with the city of Jena and numerous other partners and supporters.


Caroline Zacheiß Projektmanagement

JenaKultur Knebelstraße 10 07743 Jena, Germany

Tel: +49 3641 49-8172 Fax: +49 3641 49-8005

For general inquiries:
For questions about the open call: For Press inquiries:

Urban Transformation in Colombia- Summer 2019

This two-week course is aimed at students and professionals within the field of Architecture, Design, Urban and Environmental Planning, Geography and other related disciplines. It will guide participants through an exploration of urban transformation in Medellin from an international, inter- disciplinary and inter-cultural perspective.


UPB has a long history of academic and creative contribution to Medellin’s social urbanism model. Students will have a unique opportunity to explore the city’s evolution first-hand and to see the most prominent social urbanism projects there. They will learn how innovative urban developments have transformed the lives of many citizens in a city that was once known as one of the world’s most dangerous places.

Taught in English, the academic program will offer a combination of on-campus lectures at Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana (UPB) and practical site visits to prominent cultural, governmental and educational organizations. Students will find out about how these organizations help the city to overcome some of the problems caused by Colombia’s recent conflict, and will evaluate how this might contribute towards the foundations of a post-conflict environment.


The program will run from Monday 17 June to Friday 28 June 2019. It is arranged as a package that includes supervised bed and breakfast accommodation close to the UPB campus, an airport transfer on arrival in Medellin, academic excursions and two social activities per week.


Scholarship information


Red Tree Study is offering one full scholarship to the value of $2,550 USD for participation in the 2019 Urban Transformation in Colombia program. We are looking for applicants who are enthusiastic, hardworking, and interested in learning about Medellin’s transformation case study, social urbanism and urban innovation projects.


· In addition, Red Tree Study will provide one 50% scholarship to the value of $1,275 USD.

· Applications are open to students enrolled on a full-time academic degree course (at undergraduate or graduate level) for this academic year (2018/19).

· To be considered, the student must submit the completed scholarship application form and the accompanying academic reference by 22 February 2019 in order to apply for the funding.

· The final selection will be made by the academic team at UPB.

Red Tree Study will announce the scholarship recipient(s) in the second week of March 2019. Applicants will be notified of the outcome via email.


The scholarship winner will be joining students from prestigious universities in the USA, the UK and Canada who study with us different programs in Colombia each summer. We have hosted candidates from Rice, Syracuse, NYU, USC, UCL, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Emory, Columbia and many more.


I have attached the course application form, as well as information about the scholarship funding. To submit an application, or for further information about the course, students should email


Urban Development and Human and Ecological Health in the Amazon Rainforest

August 17-September 14

Applications Due Feb 15 (scholarships available through the application)

Students will spend 2 weeks in the Amazon Rainforest and 2 weeks in the City of Iquitos, Peru to learn from landscape architects, ecologists and health professionals about the impact urbanization has on health and ecosystems in this region using interdisciplinary approaches. Students will also have the opportunity to engage with the InterACTION Labs program, a partnership between UW and Peruvian researchers and designers and an informal floating slum community in Iquitos Peru.

Open to undergrads and grads of all disciplines. See the attached flier for more details.


Informational Flyer:

Iquitos Peru Exploration Seminar 2019