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“C” or “W” seminar + public school internship for students considering careers working with children and youth

English 298A + English 491B internship = Community Literacy Program combining an on-campus seminar with an internship putting your learning into practice in a high needs setting in public elementary, middle or high school.  
In English 298A (5 credits) CLP students meet twice weekly on campus (MW 10:30-12:20) in a seminar focused on building community, understanding equity and difference, working effectively with each other and with K-12 students, exploring central challenges and opportunities for transformative public education, and examining the role of mindfulness, compassion and emotional intelligence in learning.  Students gain skill and confidence in using writing, discussion and presentation to develop and share their thinking, and to relate class and internship experience to their academic, personal, civic and career goals. A final career-related writing assignment is taught in collaboration with the UW Career Center.  English 298 is open to all UW students, and may be used toward either the “Composition” or “W” requirement.

In English 491B Internship (C/NC; 3 credits), CLP students puwhat you learn on campus into action, volunteering (@4 hours a week, on a schedule you arrange) at one of our partner public schools. English 491B will appear on your transcript as an internship, may be used toward the field work requirement or as an elective in the Education, Learning and Society (ELS) Minor, as an elective in both the Education, Communities and Organizations (ECO) Major and the Early Childhood and Family Studies (ECFS) Major, and toward field work requirements in some other departments. English 491B also provides documentation of school-based experience needed for application to Teacher Education programs.

With questions and to request add codes, contact the instructor, Elizabeth Simmons-O’Neill,