CEP Application Form CEP Application: Autumn 2025 Please reserve about 45 minutes to an hour to complete this application. There may not be a way to return or save your progress. Step 1 of 4 25% Name* UW Student Number* Transfer Students please enter 0000000 Email* Pronouns (e.g. she/her, he/him, they/them, N/A, etc.)* Want to learn more? https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/equity/pronouns Are you an international student? If so, what country do you have citizenship with?* Are you a first generation college student?* First generation college students are the first in their immediate family to go to college. NoYes Do you have a specific academic focus? If so, please briefly describe it.* Do you have, or are you considering a double major or minor(s)? Please explain.* Have you received college-level academic credit from any other institution?* NoYes Previous Academic Institutions Please detail your previous education experience. How many previous academic institutions have you attended?* 123 Previous Institution* Institution Dates Attended Field of Study Previous Institution* Institution Dates Attended Field of Study Previous Institution* Institution Dates Attended Field of Study Cumulative GPA from all the academic institutions you attended.* Knowledge of CEP Please detail your prior knowledge of CEP. How did you find out about Community, Environment & Planning?* CEP Advising (Megan Herzog)Current CEP StudentUW UAA AdvisingUW EOP AdvisingCommunity College AdvisingAnnouncement or presentation in classCEP Event (Open House, etc.)CEP WebsiteUW MyPlan SearchUW List of MajorsWeb SearchCEP Social MediaA FriendOther Other: Please share with us how you discovered the program* Have you taken CEP 200?* NoYesCurrently enrolled Yes: CEP 200 Grade* Coursework For the following questions, please identify which course(s) you have taken that meet the UW's general education requirements. Upon acceptance to CEP, we expect that you have made significant progress towards completing these requirements. Reference for General Education Requirements: https://www.washington.edu/uaa/advising/degree-overview/general-education/requirements-by-college-and-school/ Reference for Writing Credits: https://www.washington.edu/uaa/advising/degree-overview/general-education/additional-writing/ Reference for Transfer Applicants: https://admit.washington.edu/apply/transfer/equivalency-guide/ Arts and Humanities (A&H)* 20 credits Institution Course Names Course Numbers Social Sciences (SSc)* 20 credits Institution Course Names Course Numbers Natural Sciences (NSc)* 20 credits Institution Course Names Course Numbers English Composition (C)* 5 credits Institution Course Name Course Number Writing (W)* 10 credits Institution Course Names Course Numbers Reasoning (RSN)* 5 credits Institution Course Name Course Number Additional Materials Your application questionnaire is complete and you can now review your responses. In addition to this questionnaire, you are required to submit one PDF document that includes, in the following order: 1. Academic Resume 2. Unofficial Transcript(s) 3. Personal Statement. You can combine these documents using Microsoft Word, Google Drive, Adobe Acrobat, or a free pdf converter. If you have any questions email the CEP Academic Advisor Ulises Herrera at cepinfo@uw.edu. 1. Academic Resume Your academic resume may include relevant academic and employment experiences; extracurricular activities; and awards, honors, or professional affiliations. Please tailor to CEP as you would for a job. 2. Unofficial Transcript(s) Please provide your unofficial transcript(s) for all of your college work. These can be downloaded from MyUW for UW students, or the equivalent at your previous academic institution(s). 3. Personal Statement Your personal statement should be exactly that — personal. It is an opportunity to share your passions, educational experiences, plans, visions, and anything else you would like to be considered as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers. Be creative and use your own voice to express yourself. Write about what you want us to know, not what you think we want to hear. The Admissions Committee will use your personal statement as part of a holistic review process to determine if you will excel in the CEP program. In your personal statement, please use the following questions as a guide: • Introduce yourself! What are your interests and motivations? • Why is CEP the right major for you? • What experiences and skills have you gained to prepare you for the CEP major? • How will you contribute to the CEP community? • What are your current educational and professional goals? • How will CEP help you reach your goals? 900-1200 words; 12 pt. font, double-spaced, one-inch margins. For writing help visit: https://depts.washington.edu/owrc/resources/strategies-for-writing/. Upload Materials* Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 39 MB. Interview As a part of our holistic review process, all applicants to the CEP major will have a 20-minute virtual interview on Zoom with 2-3 current students. The dual purpose of this interview is for us to learn more about you, and for you to learn more about the CEP major. A current student will send you an email to schedule your interview after the February 15th priority admissions date. In preparation for your interview, please review the following questions. Academic Interests • What are you most passionate about and how have you pursued that passion? • How do you see justice, equity, diversity, and/or inclusion as a part of your educational goals and future aspirations? Community • What does community mean to you and what role does it play in your life? • What can you contribute to the CEP community? Relationships & Communication • When working in a group, what is your greatest strength and what is something you could improve upon? • Please share a time you solved a problem or resolved a conflict. Motivation & Initiative • What drew you to the CEP major? • How will you utilize the self-driven nature of CEP to reach your educational goals? Final Thoughts • What is at least one thing you want to share with us that you haven’t had the chance to yet, or want to emphasize? • What questions do you have for us?