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PechaKucha Event

The Planning Association of Washington (PAW) would like to invite you to participate in our annual conference through PechaKucha presentations. We are excited to provide an opportunity to allow students and professional planners to interface with each other in a conference setting. There will be many opportunities to meet other planners and to get a feel for some of the issues planners in Washington State are facing. It is our hope that this will be the beginning of an ongoing relationship with our non-profit organization and the educational institutions developing the next generation of planners, urban designers, landscape architects, architects, land use attorneys, environmental scientists, and more.

The students should prepare a presentation following the PechaKucha format, as follows: A PechaKucha 20 X 20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically, and you talk along to the images. A website for this concept is provided here: We have four scheduled PechaKucha events throughout the conference, each provides an opportunity for up to four presentations. See Program Schedule attached for more information.

We have provided a special Student Registration rate of $50.00 to attend the whole conference.

Contact Marla Powers (509) 869-4048, Conference Chair for questions and to sign up for the event and get your name and school on the Agenda. Please respond by April 6, 2018. Email to register for the conference at the student rate. Contact Campbells Resort to secure a hotel room at the discounted conference rate: Call 800-553-8225 Group reservation number 472041. Additional PAW organization and conference information is available on our website, here: