American Indian Studies Courses Winter 2018
AIS 103 – The Indigenous Pacific Northwest
Dian Mullion
T/Th 9:30am – 11:20 am
SLN: 10195 / 5 cr. I&S
AIS 202 – Intro American Indian Contemporary and Social Issues
Stephanie Fryberg
M/W 11:30am – 1:20pm
SLN: 10196 / 5 cr. I&S and DIV
AIS 270 – Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest
Charlotte Caté
T/Th 1:30am – 3:20pm
SLN: 10202 / 5 cr. I&S and DIV
AIS 308 – American Indians and the Environment
Josh Reid
T/Th 2:00pm – 3:50pm
SLN: 21938 / 5 cr. I&S and DIV
AIS 340 – Indian Children and Families
Dian Million
W/F 9:30am – 11:20 am
SLN: 10203 / 5 cr. I&S and DIV
AIS 440 – Reading Native American Women’s Lives
Luana Ross
T/Th 12:30pm – 2:20pm
SLN: 21798 / 5 cr. I & S and DIV
AIS 480 – Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence Movements in the US, Canada, and Mexico
Charlotte Coté
M/W 1:30pm – 3:20 pm
SLN: 10207 / 5cr. I&S and DIV