Allie is a senior in the Community, Environment & Planning program. She is also earning a minor in Environmental Studies. She is interested in sustainability and the incorporation of green building into urban environments. For her capstone project, she is exploring the sustainability of green walls, with an emphasis on the public social benefits. Outside of class, she interns for Cascadia Climate Action, an organization that maintains a website to inform the public on climate events in the Pacific Northwest. She assists with promoting events in which climate scientists speak at public venues, in addition to updating and maintaining the website. She also had a fellowship position with Carbon Washington, a grassroots organization that encourages a transition to clean energy with less reliance on fossil fuels. Lastly, she is enjoying volunteering for COASST (Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team), an organization that collects data on marine debris and seabirds to learn more about marine ecosystems.